By joining a Family Farm Group on Facebook, one can find guides to the various Quests that appear both on the left side of the screen and in the Quest Menu, accessed by clicking on Darryl's face on the right side of the screen. One reason why these Quest guides are useful is that they allow players to grow or collect Items that are needed for the Quest in advance. Another reason is that the Reward for completion of the Quest is given and a Player then can decide whether or not to pursue the Quest at all.
Often for mid-level or high-level Players, the final Reward for a Quest will be a Machine or Animal that produces the same Item as another Machine or Animal one has. Thus, the Machine or Animal really is not needed. Why then should one bother to perform the Quest?
There actually are a number of reasons why one should perform every Quest that is available even if the Reward is almost a duplicate of an Item one has. First of all, Machines that are given as Quest Rewards tend to produce faster than the ordinary variety of the same Machine found in the Market. Even if the Machine is identical to one that the Player has, he/she will earn valuable Experience Points by completing any Quest. Finally... and this can be the most important reason of all... the Quest Reward may be a requirement in the Farm Club.
The Farm Club is a fairly new optioni n Family Farm that can be accessed by clicking on the little buidling to the left of (and outside) the Player's Farm. Here you will find Trees, Animals and Machines listed in groups of three. If you have all three Items in any group, you will receive a little Reward. Completion of any List will give a specific number of Points as well. These count towards a more significant Reward.
For those of us who love the Mythical Animals such as the Unicorn or Pegasus, it is the Farm Club that gives us the opportunity to collect new Animals that cannot be obtained through any other method. A number of the Point Rewards in the Farm Club have been Pegasi or Unicorns. I believe that the Crystal Pegasus and the Sapphire Pegasus both were Farm Club Collection Rewards.
There ia another feature of the Farm Club that can be useful to Players who missed a Quest with a specific Limited Edition Tree, Animal or Machine as its final Reward. If the Item appears in a List in any Collection Group and you were unable to obtain it previously, you may have the option to purchase it for premium Cash (RC). This is a method by which a Player can obtain an Item that is not available in the Market.
There are mini-games that allow Players a chance to win special Limited Edition Items. Included among these are some of the Pegasi and Unicorns. I never have won ANY Item through the mini-games but I am singularly unlucky. I was able to obtain a couple of Pegasi and Unicorns that otherwise could be found only in the mini-games through the Farm Club Collection Lists. In a game that rewards Players with premium Cash regularly, I am happy to spend that Cash on a special and rare Pegasus or Unicorn if I cannot obtain it through any other method.
I am writing this post in the middle of January in 2014. in the past fortnight, there have been a few new Quests. I was not that excited about the Rewards for some of them but suspected that I might need them for the Farm Club. In fact, new Collection Groups were added to the Farm Club last night and because I had completed all the recent Quests, I was able to redeem the prizes for all three of the new Collection Lists instantly, obtaining a significant Reward afterwards in the form of a new Unicorn, the Pink Lace Unicorn.
The Pink Lace Unicorn is shown at the top of this post. The Sugar Plum Fairy stands to her left and was a Reward for a Christmas Quest. All Unicorns and Pegasi eat Vigourous Herb, a very attractive mythical Crop that is fitting for such rare creatures. Each then produces a different, unique gem. The Pink Lace Unicorn produces a Pink Heart Diamond. When fed into the Jewelry Maker, it produces a Pink Heart Diamond Ring. The two Items are shown below.
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